The Best Superhero Movies (According to Rotten Tomatoes)

Now that superhero movies are experiencing one of their many resurgences in popularity, one can't help but marvel (geddit? hurhur) at their undeniable impact on the box office. Any superhero movie will always be hyped and watched by many, and although, to this day, no superhero movie has been able to conquer the Oscars (at least, not yet), The Dark Knight has come quite close. The fact is, superhero movies nowadays: srs business even with critics. (Now if only video game movies would get their shit together).


10) Hellboy (2004) - 81%

For a supposedly "dark!!11gothic!11" movie, Hellboy was pretty funny. And it's always good to see Ron Perlman on the big screen, so why not.

9) X-Men (2000) - 82%

X-Men has not aged well. Watch it again and you will immediately notice the turn-based battling styles, Rogue's complete UNawesomeness and Storm taking 20 minutes just to charge up her powers. But boy, was it fun back when it came out. At least people still agree that, despite being too tall for the role, Hugh Jackman makes a great Wolverine.

8) Batman: The Movie (1966) - 83%

Did anyone here watch this movie? Apparently it's good, but I wouldn't know.

7) Batman Begins (2005) - 84%

Christopher Nolan saved the Batman franchise with this movie but thanks to him, more and more directors are equating "gritty" with "amazing". Dunno if I agree with him putting a bag over Cillan Murphy's head tho.

6) X-Men: First Class (2011) - 87%

Everyone thought the movie was going to be shit, but the fact that it's made it up here goes to show that the sexiness that is Fassbender-and-McAvoy is a lethal combination that no one can resist. It's hard to decide which should come first: the sequel or the sex tape. Surprisingly, X-Men shares this spot with:

Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008) - 87%

For the 23 people who saw this movie, it was a nice follow-up to the first. Ron Perlman was awesome as always and the pregnancy storyline wasn't as laughable as expected.

5) X2: X-Men United (2003) - 88%

It's easy to apprciate this movie considering it had almost every mutant being awesome (with the exception of Cyclops and Storm). It was the perfect end to the X-Men series (before the awesome reboot). What's The Last Stand? I've never heard of that movie. Anyway, X-Men 2 is tied with...:

Superman II (1980) - 88%

Superman and X-Men have a lot in common... Down to the ultimately disappointing threequel. (I'm afraid we had to acknowledge The Last Stand eventually)

4) Spider-Man (2002) - 89%

Supposedly THE movie (along with X-Men) that made Supehero movies ~in again. Will the reboot be able to garner as much love?

3) Spider-Man 2 (2004) - 93%

Look at the picture of Doc Ock. Anyone who can make that guy look bad-ass and threatening deserves a fucking medal. Well, Spider-man 2 achieved this, balancing light-hearted comedy with serious moments perfectly. Is it sad that the movie with Doc Ock ended up being better than the movie with Venom?

2) The Dark Knight (2008) - 94%

Anyone surprised to see Dark Knight on this list? No? Alright then. Millions fumed upon discovering that The Dark Knight was not nominated for Best Picture after all, claiming it was a snub by the Oscars. Interestingly enough, these same people insist that it's because of The Dark Knight that the new 10-nominees-instead-of-5 rule was applied the next year. Heath Ledger also won a Best Supporting Oscar for his portrayal of the Joker, which was legendary - fact. But not many know that The Dark Knight is actually on par with...

Iron Man (2008) - 94%

The movie that resurrected RDJ's career, Iron Man is a much loved movie even today (can't say the same for Dark Knight since many now call it 'boring' and 'unrewatchable'). Too bad the sequel didn't garner the same reaction. Oh, and by the way, it's actually a three-way tie:

Superman (1978) - 94%

Many people probably weren't even born yet when this masterpiece was released, but those that were able to see it say it was ahead of its time. Seems like they were right. Oh, and there will probably never be a better Superman than Christopher Reeve.

1) The Incredibles (2004) - 97%

Yep! It seems like Pixar really does rule over everything. It created the best-reviewed superhero movie OF ALL TIME with original HUMAN characters (a first for the company back then) and stunning animation. Word is, there's a sequel in the works.



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